

Venue:      DTU Risø Campus, Niels Bohr auditorium, building 112, Frederiksborgvej 399, 4000 Roskilde

Date:         19 June 2024






We often want to reduce noise generated from flows. Examples are wind turbines and fans. To reduce noise, the sources of the noise must be identified and the physical mechanisms must be analysed. One of the main purposes of the Poul la Cour Tunnel at Risø is to facilitate high quality measurements of aeroacoustics on airfoils at high Reynolds numbers. We will visit the wind tunnel and hear about at measurement techniques related to aeroacoutics. We will also get presentations about at computational methods and applications for wind turbines and fans.

Please contact the gatekeeper at Risø before you enter Risø Campus. State that you participate in the DANSIS seminar.


9:00 Registration and Coffee
9:30 Welcome
Knud Erik Meyer, DTU Construct, Denmark
9:40 Introduction to aeroacoutics
Franck Bertagnolio, DTU Wind Energy, Denmark
10:10 Establishment of an aeroacoustic wind tunnel
Christian Bak, DTU Wind Energy, Denmark
10:40 Coffee break
11:00 Beamforming for aeroacoustic measurements in wind tunnels
Pieter Sijtsma, PSA3, Netherlands
This presentation discusses the localization and quantification of sound sources using microphone arrays, with an emphasis on the application in different types of wind tunnels. An overview is given of the challenges and the solutions that have been developed.
11:40 Lunch and visit to Poul la Cour Tunnel
13:30 Computational methods for aeroacoustics
Roland Ewert, DLR, Germany
14:10 Trailing edge noise measurements on wind turbine blade sections
Andreas Fischer, DTU Wind Energy, Denmark
14:40 Coffee break
15:10 Aeroacoustic considerations in wind turbine design
Michael Asheim, SGRE, Denmark
Aeracoustic considerations are critical for wind turbine generators as noise regulations can severely impact power production if not accounted for in the early stage of design. At Siemens Gamesa, developing and validating new aeroacoustic solutions is a vital part of maximizing the overall performance of SGRE wind turbines.
15:40 Challenges with fan noise
Gabriel Hernandes, Multi-wing, Denmark
16:10 Closing remarks
Knud Erik Meyer, DANSIS chairman, Denmark